
What is Baptism?

Baptism is God’s gift to the Church to allow believers a means of expressing their faith and gratitude for God’s redemptive work. Baptism is an important way of professing one’s faith in Christ. Baptism is not a prerequisite of salvation, but it is a requirement of obedience. Baptism is a first step of discipleship after conversion. The water used in baptism is an element to enhance the symbolism of spiritual washing or regeneration.

How Does Bible Way Baptize?

We baptize by full water submersion. As a symbol, baptism conveys several levels of meaning for a Christian believer. In a most profound sense, it pictures in vivid form the gospel of Christ itself. Baptism by immersion portrays this spiritual transformation in the fullest sense. (Rom. 6:3-4)

Does Bible Way Baptize Babies?

No. We believe that adults, teens, or older children who have become believers who understand the commitment of faith to Christ and wish to respond to God’s call are acceptable candidates for baptism.


Sometimes people are re-baptized because they feel they were not true believers and had no commitment to Christ when they were first baptized. In some cases their first baptism was many years prior to a true faith in Christ. If that is the case, the first baptism simply was not a valid baptism. Others are baptized again because something changed in their beliefs—other than their salvation experience—and they either want to or are urged by someone else to be re-baptized. Believer’s baptism (baptism because of a saving faith in Christ) occurs only once.